Nungo Oduor and Waigwa (NOW) Advocates
Nungo Oduor & Waigwa (NOW) Advocates is a contemporary law firm that is client-centered and epitomizes utmost responsiveness to vast legal issues that affect the economic, social, political and cultural environment of all natural and legal persons.
The firm is keen on offering its clientele opportunity to enjoy proficient legal services that support and provide value to their respective core businesses.
NOW Advocates prides itself with a competent and resourceful workforce that exudes camaraderie spirit styled to provide personalized quality professional services to the Client.
Our offices are located about 3km from Nairobi Central Business District in a quiet serene area of lower hill with ample parking. We have great proximity to most Law Courts and Tribunals.
We occupy two maisonettes that are fully equipped with state of the art facilities including a library and a board room that can host about 20 people.
Our green corporate colour symbolises balanced people who are in harmony with their clientele.