
It is illegal to be possession of a cow while under the influence of drink.
If someone comes to your house and asks to use of your commode, you must let them enter.


It is an offence to impersonate a Chelsea Pensioner.
A Member of Parliament must not enter the House of Commons wearing a full suit of armour.
Committing suicide is classified as a capital crime – punishable by death.
Sticking a postage stamp, bearing the Queens portrait, upside down on an envelope is an act of treason.


Between the hours of 8AM and 8PM, the music played by radio stations must be a minimum of 70% by French artists.
It is illegal to kiss on railways.
Pigs must not be called Napoleon.
Kissing on French railways is illegal.


Anyone not flushing a public toilet may receive a large fine.
A person convicted of littering three times, will have to clean the streets on Sundays wearing a sign saying “I am a litter lout.”
Relieving yourself in an elevator is particularly forbidden.